Thursday, December 31, 2009
I won’t define road rage – it takes different forms, most not serious – but I’ll start off with a few definitions, or descriptions:
1. LEFT LANE FOR PASSING, NOT FOR CRUISING: This is a bumper sticker I devised and use, it hardly needs defining. In any case, it is aimed at those who clog up the left lane; they just cruise along, despite the fact that some others might like to move a bit faster, but have no place to go. Sometimes those who do this do it out of ignorance, but many just simply are discourteous and take the view that they “own” the road as much as anyone, and besides, they are “doing” the speed limit (perhaps). Roadside signs are quite frequent: “Slower Traffic Keep Right,” and frequently in some States, even more explicit than that. But, this is not the right “driver psychology.” Nobody wants to think that they are “slower traffic!” So, they clog up the left lane.
2. USE SIGNALS: This is also my bumper sticker that also requires no definition. I trust one would not pass the driver’s test if signals were not used when one changes lanes, but after one has the license to drive, forget the signals! (That’s what most do.) Even the cops often do not do it either! But this really is something for which the cops should be giving “warnings” and tickets! It could make a difference. Often one sees the directional signal blinking in the “ONLY” Lane. Wow! What would the follower think is going to happen if the car ahead is in the ONLY Lane? Even that would be okay, too, if the same drivers would use their signals when they change lanes, etc.. But, often they do not! What is a signal for if it is not to tell others what one plans to do?
3. KNOT: What’s a knot? A knot is what one sees so often on an Interstate. It is my word for the situation when both, or all three lanes (or more) are clogged up, BUT one can see all kinds of open road in front (and back). This is what one sees OFTEN on an Interstate. What causes a knot? Arrogant or discourteous or oblivious drivers who will not get over to allow faster cars to get through! Sometimes this might even require speeding up to pass a slower vehicle or vehicles in the lane immediately to the right. Speeding up? What’s that? Don’t know about now, but it used to be the case that cops who relied on “pacing” to determine a “speeding car” would not count speeding up to pass someone, so long as the car returned to an acceptable speed after the passing maneuver. That makes sense, doesn’t it? Don’t know about you, but I do not want someone “tailgating” me; I get out of that person’s way! Certainly do not put on your brakes! That is dangerous – and stupid.
4. TAILGATING: What is the definition of “tailgating”? The proper distance from the car ahead depends on the speed: It is defined as “a car length for each 10 miles of speed.” So, if one is driving 50 MPH, approximately five car lengths is the “proper” distance a following car should maintain. If one’s speed is 60 MPH the proper distance is six car lengths. And, so on. One sees “tailgating” all over the place, in all lanes. For what? Do not tailgate, UNLESS you are signaling your intent to pass! If every driver would do this, and others would pay attention to this signal, there would not be a problem in this aspect of driving on an Interstate!
5. RACING: When a car driver tries to “beat” some other car over a distance on the road, that is racing. Obvious. But, it is also a kind of racing if one speeds up simply to avoid being passed! This happens so often. For some drivers it is not the “mach” thing to be passed! This can be seen in the lane to the right, but more often it is seen when passing a car “cruising” in the left lane. This has happened to me often, and once I was subsequently accused of “running the passed car off the road”! I would certainly never knowingly do such a thing; that is not only discourteous, it is dangerous – and stupid.
6. WEAVING: I think we all know what is “weaving.” Some cars in a desperate attempt to get around slower vehicles ahead wander quickly from one lane to the other, sometimes crossing two or three lanes without even signaling. This is also dangerous, and stupid. The cops will cite someone for this, if they see it, but HARDLY FOR ANY OF THE OTHER TRANSGRESSIONS ABOVE.
The oft-seen warning is: SPEED KILLS! Well, it certainly can if the speed is inappropriate to the situation. But, that varies! Much of proper driving is common sense and courtesy.
From my observation, the average patrol cop does not “teach,” by warnings/citations, or by example. But, he or she should teach in these ways!
Driving a car is serious business; it deserves one’s undivided attention. What does that mean? It means:
1. Make plans for your driving project, short or long; it usually takes seconds, but should include how fast you intend to drive – that must be part of any plan, always.
2. Two hands on the wheel when one’s car is at any appreciable speed. Tires do fail; they can blow! Professional drivers, when asked which tires they would rather have blow – front or back, they reportedly said those in front. That emergency allows better control of the car, they said. But, I doubt that they meant that one-handed, sometimes one-fingered, driving is the way to go. Both hands should be on the wheel!
3. Use signals to indicate to following drivers where you intend to drive your car; certainly do this whenever changing lanes – and one lane at a time!
4. If you make a mistake, are in the wrong lane and, say, have passed your intended exit, or have made another of many possible mistakes, do not try suddenly to make “a correction.” It is not the fault of a following driver that you made a mistake. Simply drive on and make your “correction” somehow later on! That may mean, taking the next exit so that you can drive back on the same Interstate to the exit you meant to take, etc., etc.
5. If there is road open ahead, do not cruise in the left lane! The left lane should be for passing, unless the whole road is open. And, if you are in the left lane and a faster car comes up behind you, speed up, signal, and get over at the first safe opportunity into the next lane to the right; let the faster car go on. Do not decide that another car is going too fast, or whatever, unless you are a patrol cop! If someone else is driving improperly, shake your head perhaps, but get out of the way and be sure that you yourself are driving safely.
6. NEVER TAILGATE UNLESS YOU INTEND TO PASS (see above definition). If someone tailgates you in the left lane, or if you deliberately tailgate in any lane, that should be a signal that you, or the other car, wants to pass! Otherwise, never tailgate. And, safely get out of the way of anyone tailgating you, if you can!
7. The driver should not use the car phone. If you are called, of course answer, but if there is to be any conversation, and you are driving at any appreciable speed, ask either to call back later, or safely pull off the road.
8. Driving over the speed limit: Those who say that driving over the speed limit is never justified are, of course, correct. If one drives over the speed limit to get somewhere sooner, another can make a good argument that this is not the way to go. If one averages a few miles over the speed limit and thus, say, ten hours later, gets to the destination a half an hour or even an hour, sooner, what for goodness sake has one really gained? Not much, is the proper answer. However, what really counts is: Has one driven safely, whatever the speed? That, it seems to me, is the most important criterion!
There is NEVER any proper excuse for ROAD RAGE! Confine your own “road rage” to muttering to yourself perhaps, but always be sure that you yourself are driving safely and courteously!
Monday, December 7, 2009
I remember when one of our leaders said something like, “I can’t define pornography, but I know it when I see it.” The definition of “polymath” may be in the same category. Especially in these days of dilution of meanings! It seems to me that it is the tenor of the times to dilute the meaning of lots of things.
For example, take patriotism. What is that anyway? How do you define it?
All of our “leaders,” anywhere on the political spectrum, speak loudly about “patriotism,” “our constitution” (that Holy Grail), “democracy,” and the like. Apparently we can spin those things any way we desire. Especially since the definition of those terms is really difficult. Difficult, that is, to come up with meanings that satisfy all persons at all points on the political spectrum. So what to do?
Must have been a polymath that decided to leave it up to the eye and ear and mind of the reader, the listener, and the voter. And that is where the “dilution” comes in: We can, in effect, define these things any way we want to. And we do!
You know, I have, as have many people, tried to understand what makes a “great civilization” decline. They all have throughout our history – including, I’m finding, in China’s history, as well. As best possible I once read a summarized version of “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.” Didn’t help me enough, but I think that is because I don’t know enough.
But I am learning – for what good that can do at my late stage. The “race” in my case is to learn more than I forget, to say nothing of my short life expectancy. But I find that these things do not make much difference so long as one truly enjoys learning. (I call it a kind of intellectual orgasm.) I am fast getting to the point where I can read a book, and then start the same book again, and think I am reading something new! (Oh well.)
But, back to the “decline.” Is the American Civilization doing that right now? I’m afraid that it is, but then I will not live long enough to see it. (I hope.) This country, with its brand of understanding “individual freedom,” used to be the beacon for the world. Is it still? President Obama says so, so it must be true. (Sigh of relief.)
Would that I could believe it!
What was my friend’s name, you ask? As I wrote in a previous blog: I’m so forgetful! But I think it was something like “Hobbs” or “Lucy.”
Think I’ll ask Wiley Miller, if I can get his address, that is.
For example, take patriotism. What is that anyway? How do you define it?
All of our “leaders,” anywhere on the political spectrum, speak loudly about “patriotism,” “our constitution” (that Holy Grail), “democracy,” and the like. Apparently we can spin those things any way we desire. Especially since the definition of those terms is really difficult. Difficult, that is, to come up with meanings that satisfy all persons at all points on the political spectrum. So what to do?
Must have been a polymath that decided to leave it up to the eye and ear and mind of the reader, the listener, and the voter. And that is where the “dilution” comes in: We can, in effect, define these things any way we want to. And we do!
You know, I have, as have many people, tried to understand what makes a “great civilization” decline. They all have throughout our history – including, I’m finding, in China’s history, as well. As best possible I once read a summarized version of “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.” Didn’t help me enough, but I think that is because I don’t know enough.
But I am learning – for what good that can do at my late stage. The “race” in my case is to learn more than I forget, to say nothing of my short life expectancy. But I find that these things do not make much difference so long as one truly enjoys learning. (I call it a kind of intellectual orgasm.) I am fast getting to the point where I can read a book, and then start the same book again, and think I am reading something new! (Oh well.)
But, back to the “decline.” Is the American Civilization doing that right now? I’m afraid that it is, but then I will not live long enough to see it. (I hope.) This country, with its brand of understanding “individual freedom,” used to be the beacon for the world. Is it still? President Obama says so, so it must be true. (Sigh of relief.)
Would that I could believe it!
What was my friend’s name, you ask? As I wrote in a previous blog: I’m so forgetful! But I think it was something like “Hobbs” or “Lucy.”
Think I’ll ask Wiley Miller, if I can get his address, that is.
I have heard that advice so many times during my long life. But, what does it mean? How do you do that? know thyself?
I once knew a guy quite well; he was even a friend. He shared his thoughts with me so often that I came to think I really knew that guy! Somehow that contributed to feeling comfortable with him: Somebody I knew; somebody I really, really knew.
Now, that guy wasn’t perfect you understand – he’s gone to his maker now, many years ago – but I knew him! And I was glad that I knew him, even though he, like me, was a lot less than perfect.
Why, he was even a polymath! A polymath? How can one be a polymath and not be perfect, I asked myself often. Must be possible, however, because my friend was a polymath!
Since the time when I knew what polymath meant, I have concluded that, at best, I am a “Wannabe Polymath.” I even came to be satisfied with that – though it took a long time.
However, there was a time, I admit, many years earlier, when I thought I might become a real polymath, if I worked hard at it. Well, after much time, trial and tribulation, I learned that I am not a polymath, cannot be a polymath. Much to my own disappointment!
But my friend was a real polymath; that came to be enough for me. After all, he was my friend.
Then, all of a sudden there was this former college professor, who insisted on calling me “brilliant,” despite my written protestations. And, later, a physicist at a prominent university accused me of something similar! Wow! Maybe I am selling myself short, I thought! (Like the Phoenix, hope was rising again.)
But nope, no matter how I cut and diced it, thought and soul-searched it, I still had to conclude that I am no polymath, not even close. Again, head hung low. What is the problem?
Well, the problem is, I have read a little history, and therefore I know a bit about some of the real polymaths in our past. Am I in their category?
No way, I have to decide – finally. This time it didn’t even take too much time or thought.
So, how come? Where did my educated observers go wrong? Well, I think I know the answer.
It is a matter of Definition Dilution!
Now, aside from the possibility that the reader doesn't know what is meant by "definition dilution," that reader might ask, "Who was that friend? what was his name?
Well, what was his name again? Hmmmm! I am so forgetful. But I think it was something like "Hobbs" or maybe, "Lucy."
Think I'll ask Wiley Miller.
I once knew a guy quite well; he was even a friend. He shared his thoughts with me so often that I came to think I really knew that guy! Somehow that contributed to feeling comfortable with him: Somebody I knew; somebody I really, really knew.
Now, that guy wasn’t perfect you understand – he’s gone to his maker now, many years ago – but I knew him! And I was glad that I knew him, even though he, like me, was a lot less than perfect.
Why, he was even a polymath! A polymath? How can one be a polymath and not be perfect, I asked myself often. Must be possible, however, because my friend was a polymath!
Since the time when I knew what polymath meant, I have concluded that, at best, I am a “Wannabe Polymath.” I even came to be satisfied with that – though it took a long time.
However, there was a time, I admit, many years earlier, when I thought I might become a real polymath, if I worked hard at it. Well, after much time, trial and tribulation, I learned that I am not a polymath, cannot be a polymath. Much to my own disappointment!
But my friend was a real polymath; that came to be enough for me. After all, he was my friend.
Then, all of a sudden there was this former college professor, who insisted on calling me “brilliant,” despite my written protestations. And, later, a physicist at a prominent university accused me of something similar! Wow! Maybe I am selling myself short, I thought! (Like the Phoenix, hope was rising again.)
But nope, no matter how I cut and diced it, thought and soul-searched it, I still had to conclude that I am no polymath, not even close. Again, head hung low. What is the problem?
Well, the problem is, I have read a little history, and therefore I know a bit about some of the real polymaths in our past. Am I in their category?
No way, I have to decide – finally. This time it didn’t even take too much time or thought.
So, how come? Where did my educated observers go wrong? Well, I think I know the answer.
It is a matter of Definition Dilution!
Now, aside from the possibility that the reader doesn't know what is meant by "definition dilution," that reader might ask, "Who was that friend? what was his name?
Well, what was his name again? Hmmmm! I am so forgetful. But I think it was something like "Hobbs" or maybe, "Lucy."
Think I'll ask Wiley Miller.
Friday, December 4, 2009
I understand that there are now beers with as high an alcohol content as 27% by volume! They are called,"Extreme Beers." The Associated Press says so, so it must be true!
In Augsburg, Germany, in the U.S. Army, as a veterinary officer,I once had the job of doing a “sanitary inspection” of a German brewery. Well, I love to drink beer, but what I know about its production you could stick under the proverbial eyelid.
But, it was my job to inspect the brewery! Of course, I was treated with “great respect”; after all, the brewery officials wanted to sell beer to the U.S. Army.
Know what? At that time, over fifty years ago, the highest alcohol % in beer around the world was about 5%! Most beers were less than that; in Germany only “Christmas Beer” and “Easter Beer” had about 5%.
I asked the brew master at the brewery I was inspecting about that. He told me the yeast used to make beer would die at a higher alcohol percentage!
Well, many of my American military friends touted German beer, and flaunted the idea that they would really, really get tipsy on a couple of German beers! Ha ha! Only problem was that what they thought was the alcohol percentage was what the Germans called “Grad,” namely about 12%! Actually the designation “Grad” referred to the percentage of solids in the beer, not at all the alcohol percentage!
Most, if not all, of them did not know that “Grad” had nothing to do with the alcohol percentage in the beer they were drinking; in most cases the beer had the usual 3 to 4% alcohol.
So much for the so-called “placebo effect”: If you think that something is true, it is. For many people that is.
As any good physician does, I came to use this concept on occasion in the delivery of health care. That is, after I became a human doctor. "Whatever works," if it does not cause harm! (And, so long as it is not a haven for quacks and snake oil salesmen.)
So, what do I think now about “extreme beers”? (Made with “engineered” yeast.)
I think it is fine – so long as you do not call it beer!
Dallas B. Tuthill, D.V.M, M.D.
In Augsburg, Germany, in the U.S. Army, as a veterinary officer,I once had the job of doing a “sanitary inspection” of a German brewery. Well, I love to drink beer, but what I know about its production you could stick under the proverbial eyelid.
But, it was my job to inspect the brewery! Of course, I was treated with “great respect”; after all, the brewery officials wanted to sell beer to the U.S. Army.
Know what? At that time, over fifty years ago, the highest alcohol % in beer around the world was about 5%! Most beers were less than that; in Germany only “Christmas Beer” and “Easter Beer” had about 5%.
I asked the brew master at the brewery I was inspecting about that. He told me the yeast used to make beer would die at a higher alcohol percentage!
Well, many of my American military friends touted German beer, and flaunted the idea that they would really, really get tipsy on a couple of German beers! Ha ha! Only problem was that what they thought was the alcohol percentage was what the Germans called “Grad,” namely about 12%! Actually the designation “Grad” referred to the percentage of solids in the beer, not at all the alcohol percentage!
Most, if not all, of them did not know that “Grad” had nothing to do with the alcohol percentage in the beer they were drinking; in most cases the beer had the usual 3 to 4% alcohol.
So much for the so-called “placebo effect”: If you think that something is true, it is. For many people that is.
As any good physician does, I came to use this concept on occasion in the delivery of health care. That is, after I became a human doctor. "Whatever works," if it does not cause harm! (And, so long as it is not a haven for quacks and snake oil salesmen.)
So, what do I think now about “extreme beers”? (Made with “engineered” yeast.)
I think it is fine – so long as you do not call it beer!
Dallas B. Tuthill, D.V.M, M.D.
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