Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Global Warming - Is it, or ain't it?

What’s a newspaper reader to do about global warming? Forget it? Punt? Hide under the bed? What?

First off, what’s a “newspaper reader”? Let’s just say he’s a “lunch-bag” type.

So, why care about lunch-bag types, they don’t know nuthin anyway? Well, for one thing lunch-bag types make up most of the 300 million or so citizens of the U.S.!

I’m confused. Do we or don’t we have “global warming”? And, if we do (and I for one believe it), how much of it is actually due to humans’ burning fossil fuels? Apparently even the “ scientific experts” feel it necessary to politicize the matter by “fudging” the data.

At least that is what one understands from the reprinted Tampa Tribune essay (12-6-2011) “Gambling on the theory of global warming,” by J. Gurwitz.

Gurwitz makes cute (tongue-in-cheek?) reference to “Pascal’s Wager,” and therefore one “solution,” since we don’t really know, is that there is global warming and that humans are the main cause of it.

Now, if we come to those conclusions, there is a solution -- it only costs some $37 trillion! (Uh huh)

But, then Gurwitz ends his essay wondering if “…shouldn’t such a costly wager be based on fact, not on a scheme…?

This lunch-bag type can only agree.